LEGO Rocket Launcher - Part 2 - Motor driver
To drive the 3 Lego motors I use two 754410. Each ic has 2 h-bridge driver. To provide 9 volts for lego motors and 5 volts for logic signals I use 7809 and 7805 voltage regulators to drop down 12 volts from power supply. M1, M2, M3 are board outputs to motors C1, C2, C3 are input control pins; you can start and stop motor and set clockwise / anticlockwise rotation I use an old 12v/2A power supply taken from an external hard disk BOM: 2 x SN754410NE 1 x LM7805 1 x LM7809 2 x 0.33uF (input capacitors) 2 x 0.1uF (output capacitors) 2 x 16 pin sockets 12v power supply connector for power supply